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发布时间:2015-08-25 14:06 


         热流道温控器维修主要维修范围:上电后不显示、风机不启动、风机自动运行、不能关闭/启动风机、不能自动复位、显示不正常、温度不平衡、过温、不能通讯 、过温不报警、输出不正常等问题一、上电后温控器为什么不显示、检查温控器电源是否接好。 
3、检查温控器的电源电压是否在允许电压范围之内(220VAC±20% =175~265VAC)。
检查温控器风机接线端子是有源还是无源(有源:是指风机接线端子在启动风机时可输出220VAC/10A的电压,风机可直接接在接线端子上; 无源:是指风机接线端子相当于一个开关,风机必须外加电源连接在该端子上才能启动风机)。 
手动启动风机后,不能手动关闭风机?  此时测量温度值高于风机自动启停的温度范围,属于正常现象。
温控器 温控开关 温控器安装调试时,上电以后温控器不断复位,风机也不能启动?  温控器安装调试时,多数采用机房备用电源供电,电压通常较低。此时用万用表测量温控器的供电电压,多数是供电电压低于175VAC或更 低造成,由于温控器内部设计有低电压检测和欠压保护装置,(可有效保护温控器和风机在欠压状态下不被损坏而专门设计),属于正常 现象。温控器正确安装完成后,供电均由干式变压器经低压配电柜提供,其机房电压均≥220VAC,温控器可正常工作。  遇到上述现象,应首先判断温控器的供电电压是否在正常的工作电压范围(175V~265VAC)。若供电电压过低,可在正常的电压下试验温 控器的工作状态,若一切正常,不用担心温控器以后的工作,可放心使用。
温控器有一相(或两相)显示"-OP-”,其他相温度正常? 1、检查传感器DB9(母头)插头是否可靠接插到温控器DB9(公头)座子上。 2、检查传感器的探头外表是否有明显创伤,并更换新的传感线缆。  在现场,若出现上述现象,可基本判断是传感线缆或传感头出现故障,或传感连接头没有连接好,温控器本身没有问题。因为温控器内部硬件和软件(程序)是同一模块处理不同的通道信号,因此只要有一相温度正常,可基本排除是温控器故障,应重点检查传感器线缆或更换传感器线缆。
仪表显示"-OH-”?  检查该相超出测量上限或传感器测量回路是否有较大的接触电阻,并消除线路接触电阻。
仪表显示"-OL-”? 检查该相超出测量下限或传感器测量回路是否有短路,并与厂家联系。
仪表显示"-Er-”? 检查传感器测量回路是否有短路,并与厂家联系。
三相测量温度不平衡?  检查并调整Pt100热电阻的深度位置(注:我公司的Pt100热电阻是经过严格筛选及配对)且测量精度≤ ±0.3℃。
仪表固定显示一相温度并且最大指示灯亮?  仪表处于最大值显示状态,按“最大/巡回”键可切换到各相温度巡回显示状态。
超温报警时蜂鸣器不响?  1、检查温控器消音按扭是否打在"1"的位置(只有镶嵌型有此功能)。  2、检查超温报警设定值是否正确。
1、检查温控器的通讯地址设置是否正确(通讯型温控器默认地址均为1)。有多台通讯型温控器同时工作应设置不同的地址码,同时在“ 温控器监控管理系统”软件的“设备管理”中“添加”相应地址的温控器名。  
十四、如何检测4~20mA电流环型温控器的4~20mA输出是否正常?  温控器正常工作时,用数字万用表的直流电流档(20mA档)测量电流环输出线缆相应相的电流,红表笔接+黑表笔接-,并根据公式:I=0.08T+4 (I:电流mA,T:温度℃)计算该相电流输出是否正常。如:A相温度为20℃红表笔接A+黑表笔接A-,此时电流应为5.60 mA


Hot runner temperature control dimension repair major repair: power does not show, the fans do not start, fan to run automatically, can not be off / start the blower, can not automatically reset, display is not normal, temperature imbalance, over temperature, nocommunication, temperature alarm, no output is not normal, the problem such as on aelectric thermostat why not show, check the temperature control power is connected.

2, check the temperature control switch is in the open position ( only inlay type and BWD3K series of temperature control is a power switch ).

3, check the temperature control power supply voltage is within the allowable voltage range( 220VAC ± 20% =175 ~265VAC ).

The panel " manual / automatic fan " button, indicator light, fan, why not start?

Check whether the wiring is correct or loosening of fan.

Check the fuse panel is intact after the thermostat.

Check temperature control fan connecting terminal is active or passive ( active: windmachine terminals at the start of the fan can output 220VAC/10A voltage, fan can be directly connected to the terminal; passive: wind machine terminal corresponding to aswitch, the wind turbine shall be connected to the terminals of the external power supplyto start the fan ).

Check fan whether a fault ( through a multimeter to check each one typhoon machine DC resistance to be judged whether normal ).

Not to open the fan, temperature, fan is not automatically?

In 1, fan is manually switched on, press "automatic / manual " button to turn off the fan.

2, the system timing on-off fan function effect, is a normal phenomenon.

Manual start fan, not manually close the fan? When the measured temperature value is higher than the fan automatic start-stop temperature range, is a normal phenomenon.

Thermostat temperature control switch temperature control during installation, when electricity thermostat continually reset, fan can not start? The thermostat when installing and debugging, most of the use of computer standby power supply, voltage is usually low. At this point the multimeter is used to measure temperature of supply voltage, supply voltagelower than most 175VAC or more caused by low temperature controller, due to internal design of low voltage detection and under-voltage protection device, ( which can effectively protect the thermostat and fan in the undervoltage condition is not damaged and specially designed ), is a normal phenomenon. Temperature controller is properly installed, poweredby dry type transformer by low-voltage distribution cabinet is provided, the room voltagewas 220VAC, temperature controller can work normally. Facing this phenomenon, should firstdetermine the temperature control power supply voltage is within the normal operating voltage range ( 175V ~265VAC ). If the power supply voltage is too low, can be in a normalvoltage test temperature control working condition, if everything is normal, do not worry about temperature control after work, can be assured use.

The thermostat has a phase ( or two ). " -OP- ", the other phase of normal temperature? 1,check sensor DB9 ( female ) plug is reliable connection to the thermostat DB9 ( male ) on the table. 2, check the sensor probe appearance whether significant trauma, and replacement of the sensor cable. In the scene, if the above phenomena, can be a basic judgment issensing cable or sensor failure, or sensor connector is not connected well, the thermostatis not a problem in itself. Because the internal temperature of the hardware and software (program ) is a module for processing different channel signal, so as long as there is aphase of normal temperature, can be excluded from the basic thermostat failure, should be the focus of inspection sensor cable or replacement of the sensor cable.

The instrument shows " -OH- "? Check that the phase exceeding the measurement upper orsensor measuring circuit is the larger contact resistance, contact resistance andeliminating circuit.

The instrument shows " -OL- "? Check that the phase beyond limit of measurement or sensormeasuring circuit whether there is a short-circuit, and contact with the manufacturers.

The instrument shows " -Er- "? Check sensor measuring circuit whether there is a short-circuit, and contact with the manufacturers.

Three phase measurement temperature imbalance? Check and adjust the Pt100 thermal resistance depth position ( Note: my company's Pt100 thermal resistance is to undergo a rigorous screening and matching ) and the measuring precision is less than ± 0.3.

Instrument display a fixed phase temperature and maximum light? The instrument is maximumdisplay state, according to the " maximum / Tour " key to switch to the temperature display state.

Temperature alarm when the buzzer sound? 1, check the thermostat silencing button whetherin "1 " position ( only mosaic have this feature ). 2, check over-temperature alarm settingvalue is correct.

Thirteen, communication type temperature controller can communication?

1, check the temperature controller address settings are correct ( communication type thermostat default address is 1 ). There are multiple communication type temperature controller at the same time work should set a different address codes, while in the "thermostat monitoring management system" software " equipment management" in " add "address corresponding to the temperature controller name.

Check the communication cable wiring is correct ( red line, blue line of A+ B- ).

Fourteen, how to detect 4 ~ 20mA current loop controller from 4 to 20mA output is normal or not? Temperature control during normal working hours, with digital multimeter DC currentfile (20mA file ) to measure current loop output cable corresponding phase current, red table document connected + black table document connected -, and according to the equation: I=0.08T+4 ( I: T: mA current, temperature ) to calculate the phase current output are normal. Such as: A phase at 20 ℃red one to the black one to A + A, the current should be5.60 mA



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